
We are EmGeAG.

Working to create positive action for wellbeing in the community and workplace.

Photo by Polina Zimmerman on Pexels.com

We offer workshops, consultancy, talks, webinars and events with wellbeing at the heart of everything we do.

Our Mission

We know that when individual and collective wellbeing is central in communities and workplaces, positive change happens.

Photo by Belle Co on Pexels.com

We work with businesses, no matter how small or large and the community – schools, local groups, individuals.

Pleased to meet you

We are a dedicated team – Alban and Maria – ready to help you make a difference in your workplace, schools and communities. We will work with you to place wellbeing and positive mental health programmes at the heart of all you do. Through consultancy and audits, workshops and wellbeing events, we find the right approach that is tailored to individual needs.

Alban is a Mental Health Ambassador and is a passionate advocate for men’s mental health, working hard to break the stigma around men seeking help and feeling supported when things are tough both in and out of the workplace. He also has a regular radio show, “Let’s Talk” on http://www.lymeoutlive.com which explores all aspects of mental health and welcomes guests to share their stories and how they have overcome difficulties in their lives. In addition, Alban is a mental health first aider and the first port of call for anyone needing a listening ear and organises events to bring people together to talk, support and learn from each other. Having experienced ill mental health himself, Alban has lived experience of the difficulties around dealing with issues and adult working through them, and regularly talks about how he has overcome and continues to work on his own ill mental health. He is an energetic and inspiring public speaker with the unique ability of making people sit up, listen and want to take action.

Maria is a children’s and youth specialist, having worked with children, schools, parents and young people on peer support, engagement and mentoring programmes throughout her whole career. She is qualified in putting together mental health and wellness support programmes in the workplace and has a passion for supporting bereaved individuals, and in particular employees returning to work after bereavements. Through her own personal experiences after losing her young daughter, she is able to give a compassionate, authentic and realistic perspective in supporting bereaved employees. A natural and engaging speaker and trainer, Maria is able to run workshops, training and give thought provoking talks to all ages on wellbeing, mental health and grief and bereavement.

Get in touch now to arrange a chat and see how we can help your organisation or community by emailing hello@emgeag.org

Photo by Savvas Stavrinos on Pexels.com


Founded in 2024

Do you have questions? Get in touch!
